Apple and Pear Pita Pockets

Apple and Pear Pita Pockets

November 9, 2016
Apple pita pocket recipe for diverticulitisApple pita pocket recipe for diverticulitis
Serves 1 pita pocket

This is easy to make for busy mornings and has a good amount of fiber.  Eating a high fiber diet helps when you have diverticulosis.

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  • 1/2
    small apple, unpeeled, chopped
  • 1/2
    small pear, unpeeled, chopped
  • 1/4 Cup
    cottage cheese
  • 1
    whole wheat pita bread


  1. Combine the apple, pear, and cottage cheese in a bowl.

  2. Slice the pita bread to make a pocket. Fill the pocket with the fruit mixture.

  3. Sprinkle some cinnamon or drizzle a little honey or agave syrup for added sweetness.


  1. Nigel Bridge


    Very nice..will defo be having these on a regular basis..👌👌👌

  2. Edwina


    Sounds great.. will try

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